Landlords in Cheshire are achieving above average yields for the North West, reports local estate agency Gascoigne Halman.
Analysing the yields of its extensive client portfolio, Gascoigne Halman reports impressive local rental yields, even amidst changing market dynamics.
Average landlord yields in the North West are 6.8% reports Rightmove in its Q1 Rental Trends Tracker. Across Cheshire, Gascoigne Halman is frequently surpassing this and has identified several hotspots where landlords can generate enhanced returns.
In Frodsham, the company recently let a property on Wroxham Close for £1,250 pcm, generating a 7.32% yield for its client. In Wythenshawe, a recently purchased two-bedroom apartment on Actonville Avenue is set to net an 8.7% yield.
“These yields really showcase the resilience of the local rental market and why Cheshire continues to appeal to property investors,” commented Rebecca Whitehead, director of lettings for Gascoigne Halman. “Cheshire offers a diverse range of properties, from picturesque villages to vibrant towns with the demand for quality rental homes continuing to outstrip supply. This is an extremely landlord friendly region with a buoyant market, strong tenant demand and very attractive yields.
“Our experience is that tenants don’t mind paying above average yields for properties that are well positioned, presented, and managed. Indeed, many tenants feel it is worth paying that little bit extra to secure a well-managed property and the peace of mind that they have reputable landlord.”
Gascoigne Halman’s 60 strong lettings team manage properties for clients across Cheshire, South Manchester and the High Peak. Each landlord can select which level of property service they require from securing suitable tenants to full day-to-day property management.